Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

save the planet!
small steps towards a big idea...
There are things to help the planet and your pocketbook
  1. Using a clean air filter can improve your vehicles gas mileage by as much as 10 percent
  2. replacing three light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs could save $60 per year
  3. keping the car tires properly inflated could savew another $840 per year. Check the pressure monthly
  4. running your dishwasher only with a full load could save $40 a year
  5. Setting the thermostat 2 degrees warmer in the summer and 2 degrees cooler in the winter could save $98 per year
  6. washing and rinsing clothes in cold water could save about $100 each year
  7. taking shorter showers sjowers could save $99 per year. A low-flow showerhead could yield another $150 in savings
  8. and for those who can stand it, lowering the water heater temperature to 120 degrees from 140 degrees can cut heating costs by 6 to 10mpercent.

For more tips check thedailygreen.com, stopglobalwarming.org

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