I would like to greet Mz.
Thanks fo the party invitation.SO, Im getting ready for the partynow.SO,see you there Mz.Ana at your party......
Friday, December 19, 2008
HAppy Birthday Mz.Ana
Friday, December 12, 2008
Good boss
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snow in Channelview
I thought last night it just a snowflake but at 10pm when I look outside our backyard had 3-4 inches snow.So, I took a picture and make snowballs.IT's so cold so I quit. I been here in Channelview but this is my first time I ever seen snow here.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Snowflakes in Channelview
We have snowflakes this afternoon.We call it snowflake in houston because it dont long last.It's below freezing here.It make me lazy to do anything even our supper meal.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Another lazy day
Im sorry guys, it's been a while since I update my blog. I been lazy for this past days because of the weather.It's chilly in the morning. And I been crazy watching the filipino soap opera.I'm a GMA fan eversince the so called kapuso....They have a new "TELESERYE" and I really like it.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
BAby Shower
This afternoon I attend Ruth's baby shower.She's a JAmaican.I dont know it.She's a new ember in the church. I thought she is an African-American.Until she told me that her Mom is coming this afternoon from Jamaica.We have a lots of games and rhymes for kids that me myself I could not remembe.I told Ruth that I dont know how to read and we dont have like this in the PHilippines.....ha ha ha ha.....In reality,I could not remember those ryhmes.WE have a great time and I met some Ruth's friends from Jamaica. They are very nice people.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
How amazing the High Tech
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ate Liz thanks for the call
I would like to thank Ate Liz for the call.Eventhough she's busy studying for her good career she still remember me.Again thanks Ate Liz.Im happy for you. GOodluck.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ink pen
Hubby told me yesterday that Leo wants to give me something.I ask hubby what is it? Hubby said it's a surprise. So we went to Leo's house he hand me the ink pen.It's a hand made ink pen made by wood.Boy!...it's so pretty....Leo is a diabetec and he could not do a lot thing like normal people does.But he had a talent doing this thing's.After he show it to me he said you can have it.I said I just got the ink pen that you gave us last Christmas...He said since you like you can have it...I hope I can order as many as I can to Leo so I can sell it.BUt as what I said,he could not do things a lot.He have a problems on his hand.Thanks Leo for the hand made pen made by wood.I will post the picture here as soon as I took a picture.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Horse Training
Yesterday we drop 6 church members at the evergreen ranch for the horse training. The is having a horse riding during the fall festival next month. A good member of the church wants to share his horses for the church fund raising for free and free taining.I was there to yesterday because hubby is the chairperson. And on the spot the trainor which is the church member needs more people to train for the horse riding.He ask me,If I can do it.I said "NO" I never been a horse rider or even just let the horse walk with me ha ha ha ha.And everybody said we never been too! This is our first time! Common Mari-Dee! So hubby said just make the owner happy. So, I did the training.And I was impressed the horse are really well trained.We did a lot of training yesterday.Next week there is another training.They dont have enough time.THe festival is fast approaching.Thanks to the trainor.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lazy day
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
ipod or mp3player
iPod and mp3player are both mp3player.The ipod is a specific brand of mp3player made by apple that has a specific set of features. Even myself dont know what are these stuff until my daughter explain it to me and she wants an ipod.ipods been popular now and very demand.It's very handy too.You can also download your favorite music.ipods use the apple iTunes software to transfer music to the music devices.Using iTunes you can store a music library on your computer,burn music from CD,videos and many other features.Isn't that cool.
So I check online and look for a cheap iPod.While surfing and looking for cheap ipod for my daughter I found this link http://www.savebuckets.co.uk/browse/consumer-electronics/audio-hi-fi/portable-devices/multi-media-players/ipod/ . I check it and I found a bunch and cheap ipods. My husband's birthday is past approaching.I need to give him a surprise present.This is perfect for him when he takes a nap.He loves to listen music.So, tonight I will order two ipods.It's very affordable.
A new friend
I been busy for this past couple of months.I know I meet good friends here and Im sorry guys for not dropping by on your blogs.Sometimes I miss my opps.This week,I been slow down and try to post some new things in my blog.IM here now,but I could not think anything.Im mentally block!....ha ha ha
I check my shout box and here it is a new friend name BEBIE.My friend welcome to Amazing friends.....
Letter from Pinas
I check our mail box today and we got a letter from my family.Yeheeyy....Talking on the phone with my family in the Philippines is not enough for us.So, that's the reason we got a letter from now and then.Hubby is to excited because he got a bunch of birthday cards and letters.He was happy same with me.He is excited than me.HUbby been bugging me since he know that my Mom and families send him a card and letters...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Gift for Hubby
Friday, October 10, 2008
Flea Market
I could not think today what would I write in my blog.Im to excited for tomorrow. We are going to flea market.It's been a while that we didn't go to flea market because of the weather.The weather is already pretty good and it's time to sell at the flea market.Selling there is fun.And my husband love it.I need to sleep early.We are leaving early in the morning.Goodnight! And have a good weekend.!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Shop On Line
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
High School Classmates
MAybe you are familiar with friendster they are the same with myspace.Friendster is a leading global online social network. Friendster is focused on helping people stay in touch with friends and discover new people and things that are important to them. IM checking my friendster last night.When I check my page and check who view my site I seen the name"Soyah".WHen I click his profile it's my classmate in highschool.So, I invite him.In a minute he accept my invitation.Then later we send message thru friendster and she ask me what is my email add so we can chat.THen we chat for a while.His already married and have 2 kids.AT this time he is in Japan for a company training.He also told me about his cousin who married a woman from the mountain.And he make fun on this because he told me his cousin is in the mountain and plant some sugar cane.It might be an ABU SAYAF member,ha ha ha.His cousin is the gwapings during our highschool days.And speaking of girlfriend he is so picky...and here it is.For me, Im happy for my classmates and Im glad we meet again here in friendster.We usually have every year reunion since our classmate move in hawaii after we graduate in high school.LAter on all of us fing our ways.Some work to other places that they could not go home.BUt here in friendster..............we met again..Thanks to friendster...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Congratulations to LEni
Leni call me last night and she had a good to me.She's 4 months pregnant.Im so excited and happy for her.Finally! they been controlling for many years because she always told me that they are not yet ready.And here it is.We been talking many things like it's the time that I will visit her in hawaii.....ha ha ha..One of these I will visit her if I won on a lottery.To Leni Im happy for you.
Cheap laptop
Last month my husband bought me a laptop online.It's a Toshiba.And I really like it.I been dreaming to have a laptop on my own.We always argue who's gonna use the computer everyday so he decided to buy me a laptop.It's easy to carry everywhere and small enough to use on one's lap.I can do my task wherever I go.Toshiba is very affordable compare to other brands of laptop.It's also a friendly user.The business laptop are made to be either durable and reliable or thin and light.While any of these laptops can be used for any purpose the target market determines the size and weight of the laptop as well as the included hardware. So, you can start choosing a laptop by prioritizing your own needs. For example, if you travel a lot, you may value light weight and long battery life over a large screen. Conversely, if you plan to use your laptop mainly at home, travel weight or battery life will likely be less important to you than a larger screen.So what are you waiting now buy a laptop .And check http://www.savebuckets.co.uk/browse/computer-hardware/laptops/ for cheaper list of laptop that you can use everyday wherever you go.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friends Wedding
Last night we attend a wedding. It's a nice and simple.It's our friend Don and ALice wedding ,After 18 yrs of dating.Then the reception followed after the ceremony at the fellowship hall.The food are great..It's all seafood...crabs,big shrimp.....and more seafood....... all are my favorites ha ha ...To DOn and Alice CONGRATULATIONS.....and thank you for the invitation
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Airsoft is a game, based around combat, which has similarities with paintball. In most scenarios, participants aim to eliminate opponents by hitting them with 6mm (occasionally 8mm) plastic BBs launched from airsoft guns. Airsoft guns are most commonly powered by one of three sources: Gas (CO2, Green or Red Gas (aka Propane with varying amounts of silicone lubricant mixed in),134A, or some other type of gas), spring-loaded (air is forced through a nozzle via a manually cocked spring piston, normally called "spring guns" or "springers"[1]), or gearboxes (mechanical boxes that use motors to pull back and release a spring piston named AEGs or Automatic Electric Guns)[2]. Participants typically use varying types of weapons designed as replicas of real firearms, tactical gear, and accessories used by military and police organizations. Airsoft has been popular in Asia for a long time and there is now a growing interest in airsoft weapons and events in North America and Europe.
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends is about transforming the pain of grief into the elixir of hope. It takes people out of the isolation society imposes on the bereaved and lets them express their grief naturally. With the shedding of tears, healing comes. And the newly bereaved get to see people who have survived and are learning to live and love again.”
Thanks for the Lunch Susan
Susan arrived las night from LOuisiana.Shes working this week but she want to stop by to see her dad.WHich is nice.My hubby is in the church to early.The church distribute some relief goods todays.I call him if he can with us at the Monument Inn. This is Pete's favorite Resto and the other one is in Kemah.Well, my hubby could not go with us because they are noy yet done and he dont know what time they will finish distributing.It's awkward going with them without my hubby.I dont use on it but my hubby said just go with them and Pete's want me to go with them.Pete's want to go to Kemah but we are not for sure if they are open today because of the HUrricane Ike 3 weeks ago.So we,eat lunch at Monument Inn watch the ships for an hour.It's a seafood Resto and I lve it too but I miss my hubby his not with us.To Susan thanks for the lunch.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
BRidal Shower Party,WOrk Day
Today is the work day at the church. HUrricane Ike left to many works at the church yard.And at the same time it's also Alice Bridal shower PArty at the church.Two weeks ago somebody send me an invitation card for this party and I almost forgot it. I dont like to attend because all the gifts is to be donated at the CHild CAre CEnter, where almost the church member wants to close this day care.Why? It's been 5 yrs since this day care was establish and there's no improvement.And they never trying hard.THe church always pay there expenses instead they pay their own expenses.BUt Alice the chairman of the day care committee wants to donate thier gifts to the day care.The wedding day is this coming SAturday and same thing gifts will be given to the day care.
Friday, September 26, 2008
acnexus is the world best acne treatment.Acnexus is the first step natural acne solution for kids and adult to help heal and prevent breakouts,rid blackheads once and for all and for itchy skin.MY friend use this acnexus, at first she was concerned if the stuff work on his son.They tried many stuff but they are really like this acnexus.His son play baseball,skateboard and has been breaking outs since he was 12 he washes his face three times a day with only white washcloths,nothing was working.UNtil one day while she was surfing in the internet and thought the price is great.His son use acnexus and it works.Now shes happy for her son.Acne make us self-conscious.This is the most convenient,effective and affordable acne treatment.It's not only my friend like this but I heard many parents in school that this acnexus is really good and it really works.Acnexus is not really scrub it's more of mechanical treatment like microdermabrasion.It actuall feels just like microdermabrasion.The product work so well because of the ingredients cmbined with the process.One of the huge benefits is made up of all natural ingredients.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Meet New Filipina Friend
Me and Alice went to wal-mart yesterday after her doctor's appoinment.When we are in the cashier paying,a woman behind me ask if I'm aFilipina..i said "YES" she said Im just curious because you dont look like filipino....binola pa ako....ha ha ha. 100% fully blooded pinoy!.....ha ha ha ha.Then she speak tagalog and I ask her if she is a bisdak or tagalog then she said bisdak....LAter on we exchange phone number,but she is not sure with her number ha ha ha....We just know each other on that minute but it sounds that we been known for to long.She looks like she's nice,Im not for sure......First impression will long last.....ha ha ha the first thing she told me is..I dont have much filipina friends because some are pretentious!....which is true...samething with me.....INFERIORITY!.....yes! because they dont response....Anyway,good friends are all over.....Thanks to Ate MErcy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
WEdding BElls
A friend of ours in church will soon got married as in soon.........When I check our mail box this afternoon we got an invitation...A wedding invitation ........from our dear friend in church....We are happy for them....they been together for 20 yrs and just engaged 2 yrs ago on Valentines day.That was so sweet....and nobody knows it that Don Wilks will propose to Alice on that nght.............It's time to get married because there getting olderAlice is 65 same with Don...............To Alice and DOn we are happy for you.............They are very nice person.....THere wedding will be this coming Oct 4, 6:30pm............
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A surprise....
The church always schedule an OUT-TO-LUNCh every 1st tuesday of the month.Everybody is invited.And I like this because some church member gather together,talk,share etc.So me and my hubby went this morning, it's in Iguana Joe's a Mexican Resto which is my husband's favorite place.There is a newly Iguana Joe's in Beltway 8.So, we are talking,joking about lifes the past,present and for the future,sharing about church problems and more while we are waiting our food. I order fajita beef and of course double rice with cheese and pico de gallo..When Im ready to pay our bills a group of people coming by on our table bringing a nice glass of ice cream top with strawberry singing a jolly rock happy birthday for me!I look to my hubby and tell him why did you do that? My birthday is this coming Friday not today.He told me that's a surprise honey I know that when I do this on the day of your birthday it would not be a surprise.Beside I already told them that your birthday is this coming friday and if it's ok if they will sing happy birthday to you and the manager said no problem...Anyway if it's a football game,we are an avid fans of Iguana Joe's since it open.We always eat there once a week.....Yeah,it is! his right it would not be a surprise because he been doing this to me for 3 yrs and everytime we eat on the day of my birthday I know that somebody will sing in the REstaurant.Thank you honey.....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Online Casino
My husbands friend is a gambler.He travel everywhere no matter how far the casino.He travel all over United States.When he retired somebody told her that he dont need to travel to play in the Casino.There is an Online Casino that you can play while you are at home or anywhere as long as you have computer. At pro360 they have a list of best online casino.Experiece the thrill of real money wagering while playing for fun from the comfort of your own home.CHoose from dozens of slot machines including huge progressive jackpots and all your other favorite casino games too. The Online slot casino is great because of the excitement of the challenge of the othe r person to bet and you have to bet or pass and then that person takes all the pot. a mimunim bet is set and on texas hold you give each person two cards. then it starts then three cards are turned face up you bet again then the river card is turned face up. you bet another time then the last card is turned face up. the person with the best hand wins. so you start all over again. hopefully you can keep the luck and soon you have a stack of chips chips are normally 5 dollars. 10 dollars 20 dollars and some times 50 dollars and 100 dollars these chips are always black chips. minmum bets are 25 dollars. My husband like playing straight poker. It is a skill that you are deal five cards and you can dispose up to four cards then you bet on your hand and try to figure out if you opponent has a better and than cards in your hand.YOu can find all the casino games online.All you need is a computer and internet.This is awesome.
FRiends GAthering
Last night we play BINGO at the church sponsored by the ORT Methodist Church Family NIght.But we call it "BIBLE" instead of BINGO.It's really fun and we have a blast. There are 17 gifts to be given away and sad to say I never got those gifts even one.My husband got BIBLE once and got a $25 giftcard.Luckily, Buffy got 6 prizes and her son got 2 prizes.Buffy had always luck on anykind of raffles,games with prizes or anything that involved on prizes.Even in our scrapbook on saturday she always got a prize.THe BIBLE Game last night was free and lots and lots of food.This is also the way that people in the church,get together,talk,laugh and have fun......And we did...The last prize last night was the chocolate mouse with a big pack of coffee.Somebody donated a chocolate pie last night because they know that this is the Preachers favorite.So,all the gift cards was already given away and this is the last.When Cindy told us that the last prize is the chocolate pie with a pack of coffee but it's too hard to get because we are in all BLOCK!The preacher stand up and told us...That pie is belong to me,so this night I will got the "BLOCK" and get the prize" ha ha ha sad to say he never got the prize because somebody got "BIBLE".....ORT MEmebers are so kind so Cindy gave the pie to the Preacher.......so we have fun last night with the preacher..he keep saying to CINdy.."No Cindy that pie is belong to you but he is already holding the pie when Cindy hand it to him"!.....ha ha ha ha..Everybody is teasing to the PREACHER..It's already past 12am when we come home..Last night also was my first time driving at night! I usually dont drive at night beacuse I could not see,well it's a good experience,no traffic, no police,ha ha ha!...OVer all last night,It's Great,thanks Cindy for the successful Family night.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
To my Amazing friends
Thank you Alice
I would like to thank ALice for the early gifts that she gave me this afternoon. I do really appreciate.YOur like a dear Mom to me.Alice is such a good person.SHe always ask me that anything you want in this house just ask me and I will give it you.I will never do that, I just wait whatever she will gave it to me and sometimes I refuse specially if it's not really for me.I just tell her that your kids need that one.Also I tell her that I dont want to hurt your feelings but you have kids too.I dont want her kids says something bad on me.Im just happy I have a friend like Alice. Alice is 84 yrs old and not her kids visit her even once a month.Isnt that sad.Her son lives one mile where she live but nor a single call in one month.....none! I will not do that to my Mom.....again thanks and Im always praying for your good health and Pete.
Friends are friends forever
This morning, I open my chikka.And it pop-up a message from a friend.She's my very dear friend in the Philippines.It's been to long that we never chat because of the time in the PHilippines and here,she's busy with her daughter in school and of course renting internet in the Philippines is quite expensive now.BUt IM thankful that every now and then she never forgot me.Once in a while she always drop a line of message in YM.And it makes me feel good.We might be a few thousand miles away, but the distance is never a hindrance.She leave her new Cellphone number.So, I add her new cell number in my chikka.And a few minutes she reply.And we talk over chikka.I know it cost a lot on her rather than me but the thing IM proud of her is she dont mind it because she had something to tell me.You know what she want to ask from me?She said she's happy for me.......She just waist her load asking me if Im pregnant?I wish!.....but she got the wrong news...hopefully one day.SOmeday told her a friends of ours before....ha ha ha ha ha ha...Then later on she told me ATe Cookie if I could not reply you meaning I dont have load no more.I miss this girl...Hopefully one day I could call her....To Pong thank you for the sweet message and for the false excitement!ha ha ha ha.I wish we could talk more and see your beautiful girl.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Consumer Price Watch
Do you want to loose weight? Are you looking for a cheap diet pills?Here is the diet pills that you are looking for. Check Cheap Phentermine.I need bad to loose weight but this prescription drog have also side effects.. We all know that it's too hard to loose weight specially if the food is all around you and its so delicious. Sometimes you cannot control yourself. Isnt it.I been surfing online and look for cheap diet pills and I found this http://www.consumerpricewatch.net/phentermine.php . Do I look desperate to loose weight.Yes I am...Cheap Phentermine is a drug under amphitamine and phenethylamine. This pills helps obese patients suppress hunger and loose weight. This is what I need. I been trying o cut off my food intake but it doesnt help.So, I will try thi one.This pills prescribed for individual who are at increased medical risk because of ever weight or obese and works by helping to release certain chemicals in the brain that control appetite.Phentermine causes 10-15% greater weight loss weight.Those who have blood pressure,glaucoma,,thyroid,pregnant are not allowed to take this.This is also FDA apporoved to control appetite.FDA did not ask the manufacturer to remove Phentermine to the market.So, what are you waiting now,check http://www.consumerpricewatch.net/phentermine.php
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A prayer for my Friend
Monday, August 18, 2008
Getting Kids into the habit
My friends you finally got your son or daughter to eat strawberries,peacheas and apples for snacks this summer instead of potato chips and candy. But now that it's nearly time for him/her to return to school,it may not be as easy to keep him from grabbing the burgers, pizza, and fries in the school cafeteria, even if you pack a nutritious lunch.Plus after a long day of school, he/she rather flop down to play video games than run around playing football or basketball,so it's more difficult to keep him moving. Health food and fitness experts say it can be challenging for parents to help their chilren develop lifelong healthy eating and fitness habits but parents can control how and what their children do during the school day by first fostering healthy habits at home.Get children to eat healthier foods by having then try new flavors and textures.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Ailyn
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I miss her and she miss me too
YOu know who I miss!Well, it's Ate Liz, my adopted Ate from Masachuttes. Anyway I have 3 ATes in MAsachuttes...My very dear Ate's...I love you all...Finally we chat this afternoon. Im so glad we talk for a while. Actually she want to call me but Im busy with the other line talking to my cousin and I could not sto[her..For God sake! ha ha...I miss her and she miss me too. Isnt that great! Thanks Ate LIz for the time. It's been a quite time that we never talk to each other since last month if IM not wrong. And the other day we talk with friendship Jess....SHe told me that they will meet again the TREZ MARIAS.And they did! and I was so inggit inggit ha ha ha specially the food that she mention like the dinuguan and the puto that she cook...Ate Joy's recipe is not yet included on it....HOpefully one day I will met this 3 girls....
Congratulation Ailyn

Monday, August 11, 2008
Im so busy
Im miss my Amazing Friends here. I apologized you all. Recently you keep visiting me and you never heard any response from me. I do really appreciate.We been in a long vacation.WHen we come home,back to work then we have a good VAcation Bible School in church, just finished last thursday. And sad to hear that our good friend past away last SAturday. What a hectic schedule?So, I been missing here for a while. And now I need to slow down. To all of you,thank you for being Amazing Friends.
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Tag of Four
Got a tag from Mye. Sorry, friend Im late..
What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!
(A) Four places I go over and over:
Grocery Store
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat?
Olive GArden
Chinese Resto
Iguana Joes
Baytown Seafood
(D) Four places you’d rather be?
New York
E) Four people I think will respond:
Ate Joy
Ate Liz
Nanay Belen
(F) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:
Travel Channel
GMA Pinoy
Deal or no deal
Third Watch
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Friendship Bracelet

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Success has no limits
What a small world?
LAst night we chat with Normita.Im so happy I finally found her. It's been long, long time ago.And suddenly she mentioned our friend Jocelyn who been married here in US. So I search Jocelyn in friendster and Im glad she still using her maiden name. Since I cannot add her I leave a message and leave my email add.A few minutes her name pop up in my YM. What an incident? so in short,we been chatting with her and Normita. I found out that Jocelyn is in North Carolina and Normita is in New Zealand married a Malay. BOth of them are happy.I dont want to quit chatting last night but I was tired and Im really sleepy.It's almost past 1am and they still want to chat. My hubby is already waiting on me.I miss them.They are my close friend when I first step at Foundation University.And they dont hesitate,to be one of their friends even if Im from the province. Wish we will met again one day.What really a small world?TO you guys thanks for the time last night.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
MY dear sistah thanks for the call
Last Sunday Ate Joy call me.We have a pretty good conversation.And suddenly Ate Liz call Ate Joy for some business reason.Thanks Ate Joy.
This afternoon I was in wal-mart Ate Liz call me.We are talking some weird things that only us know.Right Ate Liz, ha ha .We are talking a bout diet strategy.......Honestly, I could not concentrate the stuff that I should need to buy but I could not tell Ate Liz to leave me alone because I want to talk tooooooooooooooo.....ha ha ha ha.When we are in the truck my husband ask me if I buy a filter for our aircon......Ha ha ha I remember it before ate liz call and all a sudden I forgot everything.YOu know why friends belong to our heart and we appreciate everything they did for us. Dont worry Ate Liz, it's not your fault why I forgot Im just happy you call even you are busy.Again thanks for the call....and dont work too hard.
Finally I found her

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What is Friendship
It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy.
These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave.
Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.
Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma's for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I'm home. I can relax now."
That's what a friendship should be.
You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform.
Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it's not a relief.
That's what a friendship should be.
You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform.
Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing.Friendship lifts hearts and lengthens lives. It has been hailed as the eventual good by the greatest philosophers, promoted (at least in theory) by all the chief religions and deified by revolutionaries. It even defeats the common cold. The wondrous good in question is friendship. Aristotle's highest goal for men and the third plank of the French revolution - liberty, equality, union - friendship is as old as humanity and as important as love or justice. But while the shelves in one part of the bookshop groan with self-help books on how to snag the ideal partner, and others (usually in the basement) are packed with economic treatises on income distribution and philosophical texts on the character of freedom, friendship barely gets a mention.
While the declaration that "friends are the new family" is an exaggeration, it is certainly the case that friendships figure prominently in both the lives people actually lead and the ones to which they aspire. Television programmes such as Friends and Sex and the City portray a world in which close friendships describe the contours of the participants' lives: parents and children are allowed, at best, walk-on parts. One school of social science sees the emergence of "families of choice", with networks of friends supplanting blood ties. We have parents and siblings; we make friends.
In fact, blood ties remain as tough as ever. Data from the official Social Trends series shows that family is as much the first port of call for maintainance in times of crisis as it was three decades ago. What does seem to be happening is some blurring of the lines between friends and family, what Liz Spencer and Ray Pahl call a "suffusion" of friend and family in their approaching Friendship: the one good thing?. Friendship is not always an unalloyed good, the benefits of friendship are unevenly spread and the impact of friendship on traditional objectives of the centre left, such as parity, diversity and mobility, is mixed.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Smile and the world will smile with you
I want to share this to all of you to make our day happy. A friend of mine send this to me.
Nobody needs a smile more than the one who cannot smile to others."
B, K, W, L, K, M, G, W, P, R, M, S, Y, T, W, K, H, H, H, T, W, P, H, H, H,
T, M, N, P, R, K, N, T, NGa!
Busy day
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Friendship Welcome
I met more and more friends everyday and I do really appreciate it. This is the way of communicating,sharing some ideas and expression. I been busy for this past days and I promise to update my amazing friends blog because they are AMAZING!!!!!.This blog challenge me everyday to post. Excuses for the grammar. The important here is the real friendship and again Im sorry that I could not visit my friends blog everyday.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Do you still remember your classmates?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Plan for another vacation
This morning I got an email from my friend Ailyn. Here she is again asking when are we gonna visit them?Ang kulit noh! super!...... Supposedly, they should visit us this year but due to some reason that only them knows why they couldnt visit us here in Texas. We plan last year to attend here son's baptism but due to conflicts we are not able. So, next month we will visit them after the family reunion in Alabama.We will be driving going to Illinios to visit them. It's 8 hours from Hartselle, Alabama to Effingham Illinios. We are so excited to see her son. We just met Ailyn during our days when we are working at Philamlife. I know her better than me. SHe is the hard headed woman in the world that I know ha ha ha.Ask her.......To failures to success Im always there for her inspite of being so stubborn.ha ha
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Do you believe in dreams?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Im so excited
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Goodbye My Friends
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
New friends
my new friend
First and last
Got this tag from my new friend kate. Im sorry my dear friend Im too late.Huh! is this real or just for fun ha ha ha.
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. Supermodel Wannabe 7. FunFierceFabulous 8. Filipino love stories 9. A Mom's Note 10. Tasteful Voyage 11.Cheerful's Journey 12. Katelove's, 13 Amazing Friendship 14.(your blog here...)
F I R S T :
* First real job: Admin Oficer
* First screen name: Cookie
* First funeral: My Aunt
* First pet: I think dog...
* First piercing: Ear piercing
* First tattoo: never,I hate it!
* First credit card: HSBC
* First kiss: of course my parents
* First enemy: dont remember
L A S T:
* Last car ride: Yesterday...
* Last kiss: Just a while ago
Im passing this to Beth
Friendship Tag
Huh! Im to behind now. I got this friendship tag to my dear Ate Joy. Thanks for the friendship tag and Im sorry I just grab it today. I do really appreciate.
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.
1. Me and Mine2.Creative In Me3.Little Peanut4. Pea in a Pod5. Sugar Magnolias6.ChezFrancine7. Le bric à brac de Cherie8. La Place de Cherie9. SuperNova and SweetPain10.Avee'sAdventures11. Fil-Am Stories12. Air Sick13. Essay of Life14. AllAboutReviews15. From PI With Love16.Beauty Kikay17. Everyday Life18. Fil-Oz Blog19. More on Health20. Ozlife Begins21. Rants and Ramblings22.Taurian’s Bible23. What A World24.Jocelyn's Journal25.Dhaqueen's26. Man's Call to Salvation27. Life Away From Home28. Icelog29. Dabawenyako30. Rojoy' Daily Updatee 31. Mommy Joy Of Two 32. Buzzy Bee Mom33.Rojoy's Kitchen 34. My Adventure Treasure Simple Living 25. Amazing Friends 26.Your Link
Im passing this friendship tag to Ate Liz, Arlene and Wheng
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thank You My friends
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Ate Liz

the scent of their perfume
is sure to touch some noses.

Like our friendship's special
Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Everyday I met more friends
YOu know what is friendster? Yes, we are all know.It's a site that you can connect your, love ones,lost friends,classmates and more. Day by day through friendster I met some of my old classmates and friends that I never seen for years. Thanks to friendster. Last night when I check my friendster somebody leave me a message,it's Vilinita aka V. Wow! I been looking this girl for too long. We are not only friends but more than.We have a group in high school called VGAFOCS.Meaning Vicentian GIrls Are Friendly Of Course SImple GIrls.IT's not a Gang but a good group, a role model to our lower grade in high school.She is a good friend and take note she is 5'5 ft when we are in high school.Im glad we met here again online...The last time I seen her is on our class reunion, I think it's 1997 or 1998....Sorry guys,our batch always have a high school reunion everytime our classmates come home from overseas......ha ha ha.....
Not only on friendster I met good friends also here through blogging. I met lots and lots of good friends. I will not mention who are they because they are too many to mention. But to all who are in my blogrolls they are a good friends of mine.Thanks for the high technology!....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Beauty Secret
I got this tag from Nora. Thanks for the tag.Nora my dear,I really dont use beauty products.Im not familiar on beauty products,ha ha ha...Let see.
Here's my Answers:
My Foundation: I dont use this
My Blush: dont use blush
My Day Cream: dont use a cream
My Lipstick: I dont use lipstick .
My Essential Beauty Product: lip balm and lip gloss
My favorite Make-up product: I dont use make-up
My Perfume: Bath & Body
My Nails: I just cut my nails every wk.
My Feet: just wash it and put lotion
My hands: just lotion
Three Products to bring on a deserted island: lotion,soap,deodorant
Women I admire for their beauty: Jennifer Lopez,Julia Roberts
Women with the best Sense of Style: I dont know, I dont keep up with style.
My ultimate dream: To visit St. Peter's BAsilica in Rome
My favorite fashion Publication: Glamour & MArie
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I miss my friends
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thanks Rochie
Monday, May 12, 2008
Write a thank you note
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thank you my friends
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ailyn call me
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Beautiful Rose Award
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My hobbies...
I been in a scrapbook last saturday and I met a new friends. I love scrapbook but I dont want to waste my time for a whole day scrapbook. I Just ashamed to Buffy to refuse because she always buy me everynow and then a scrapbook stuff.I can do it at home...but having doing a scrapbook with a lot of scrapbookers gan give you more an idea. I will post one day here my scrapbook. I been doing this for two years.I made six scrapbooks since 2006.It's tiring but it's fun if you made it.I do crosstich....one day I will post my finish crosstich since I arrive her in US..I have too many pattern which my mother-in-law always give me everytime we visit her in Alabama.My pocket books Daniel Steel... i miss reading.....i love to read them but dont have more time. These are my top list hobbies during my free time.....
Friday, May 2, 2008
Say I care
It's not easy to be a volunteer. when everyone else is going to see that hot new movie, you have to help out at the homeless shelter. And when your friends are going skating, you find yourself indoors reading a book to a blind woman. Still, movies only make you feel good for a few hours. And skating is only fun until you fall. But the inner glow you get from doing a good deed for someone less fortunate will make you feel wonderful about yourself for years to come. And when you feel good about yourself, nothing can bring you down!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
What's wrong with my friend?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Im happy
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My Mentor
Blogging! BLogger! I have a mentor.... Me and my mentor in blogging talk over the phone this morning. Finally!...We been friends for too long but I just hear, her voice this morning.Who is she? It's wheng aka. asawakomahalko. Since Im in a hurry we dont talk much. Her voice is so cute. MAybe one day I can call her back again. To Weng nice talking to you this morning. Dont work too hard...............
Do you have one?
I woke up early this morning and visit some other blogs.What makes me awake is when I read Ate Joy's blog. My friends are worth millions to me.Very few people get such friends in their life time. Do you have one? Me, I have a bunch of good friends that I never met in person but deep in my heart I know them. One of them is Ate Joy.Dont ever make a mistake to loose such friend in your life time.If you have some true friends, let them know how much they worth to you. There are hundred of ways to express your strong feelings towards your friends. But the easiest and the most reliable way is sending friendship sms. ANd I would like to apologize to some of my dear friends that I could not send sms everyday.Im too busy but as what I said your never forgotten in my heart as long as you are a true friend to me.
Red Rose For Ladies
when it pint your fingers it hurts.
Everyday in my life is just like red roses.
Sometimes life is not always bed of roses,
but life is great with GOD.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Stay as sweet as you are
That's the kind of thing we write in our friends autograph books. But how many times have you become friendly with someone because you think he or she is so special, only to try to change that person into someone completely different. No matter how much you and your friends have in common, you will never think exactly the same way. So rather than wasting your time trying to turn your freinds into carbon copies of yourself ( which can be rather frustrating, not to mention impossible), enjoy the differences. They are the spice of life!
Earth Day
- Using a clean air filter can improve your vehicles gas mileage by as much as 10 percent
- replacing three light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs could save $60 per year
- keping the car tires properly inflated could savew another $840 per year. Check the pressure monthly
- running your dishwasher only with a full load could save $40 a year
- Setting the thermostat 2 degrees warmer in the summer and 2 degrees cooler in the winter could save $98 per year
- washing and rinsing clothes in cold water could save about $100 each year
- taking shorter showers sjowers could save $99 per year. A low-flow showerhead could yield another $150 in savings
- and for those who can stand it, lowering the water heater temperature to 120 degrees from 140 degrees can cut heating costs by 6 to 10mpercent.
For more tips check thedailygreen.com, stopglobalwarming.org
Monday, April 21, 2008
Congratulation to me
At the Park with friends
Making Friends with Mother NAture
The sounds of nature are incredibly calming. concentrate on them and your brain will relax. Before long, your body will follow.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Im here at the computer while watching the rain outside.LAst 3 days it's been chilly here in Tx,yesterday it's getting warm and today it's raining.THey say that's texas weather.We are supposed to visit our friend Leo today but the weather outside is bad.It's raining and too windy.I like staying at home when it's raining.Opps.....I forgot got to work now.Be back tonight..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Pray for our friend
Diabets is the most common chronic serious ailment in United States.Leo is a diabetec since birth.When he met my husband he been keep coming to the church and been active on church activities.Striving hard even on his condition.Every now and then you can see the EMS outside their house. It's been a couple of weeks that his blood sugar is alright. And suddenly today his blood sugar level drop down. We always visit him at the emergency but at this time he was confined. I never seen a diabetec like him.You can see on his face when he had a spell. For you Leo we are praying for you fast recovery.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Alice
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ate Liz Im sorry
To Ate Liz, I would like to apologize.We're out of town since thursday through sunday night and I left my phone at home.I miss your call. Im just excited on our trip last thursday that's why I forgot to bring my phone. I will call you back this coming weekend. I know your too busy making money.HA ha ha. Love you te. ANd dont work too hard.
Worlwide Link Love
Thanks for the tag Nora. I really appreciate.I met Nora through blogging,eversince she never forgot me passing a tag. Hope one day we will met each other.Isn't that right my dear Nora.
~ start copying here ~
Join the Worldwide Link Love!Benefits of Worldwide Link Love!
1. Make new friends around the world.2. Feel the Link Love.3. Gain new readers and subscribers.
1. Copy from ~start copying here ~ to ~ end copying here ~ and paste it on your blog.2. At the end of the list, put your name and the country your in, it doesn’t matter what’s your nationality just put the country where you are publishing your blog. Don’t forget to put links at your name.3. If u have many blogs, you can link all of it, just make sure you post the same on each blog.4. Tag eight (8) or more of your blog friends.5. Tip for blogspot users: make sure you copy and paste the code in Compose mode.
Wanna join, and you can’t find your name on the list? Just leave a comment here.
Worldwide Link Love! Participants
1. Ate Joy1 (U.S.A)
2. Ate Liz (U.S.A)
3. Ate Liz1 (U.S.A)
4. kei (Philippines)
5. Love (Philippines)
6. Surprisingly Beautiful
7. Melanie
8. My Adventure Treasure simple Living
9.Amazing Friends
Im passing this to Ate Liz.