Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friends are friends forever

This morning, I open my chikka.And it pop-up a message from a friend.She's my very dear friend in the Philippines.It's been to long that we never chat because of the time in the PHilippines and here,she's busy with her daughter in school and of course renting internet in the Philippines is quite expensive now.BUt IM thankful that every now and then she never forgot me.Once in a while she always drop a line of message in YM.And it makes me feel good.We might be a few thousand miles away, but the distance is never a hindrance.She leave her new Cellphone number.So, I add her new cell number in my chikka.And a few minutes she reply.And we talk over chikka.I know it cost a lot on her rather than me but the thing IM proud of her is she dont mind it because she had something to tell me.You know what she want to ask from me?She said she's happy for me.......She just waist her load asking me if Im pregnant?I wish!.....but she got the wrong news...hopefully one day.SOmeday told her a friends of ours before....ha ha ha ha ha ha...Then later on she told me ATe Cookie if I could not reply you meaning I dont have load no more.I miss this girl...Hopefully one day I could call her....To Pong thank you for the sweet message and for the false excitement!ha ha ha ha.I wish we could talk more and see your beautiful girl.

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